About us

Лого Allbghotels.com - Информация За нас
Dear visitor,
We are pleased to introduce you Allbghotels.com - Web portal for travel services and vacations online . Created back in early 2005 the site initially worked as a tour guide for foreign tourists who planned their holidays in Bulgaria and was released only in English. Later on we started building an online catalog providing information for hotels from different cities of the country. The Dynamic tempo which makes the tourism to grow globally and at the local level in Bulgaria led us to change the way the site works and services which provides to the ultimate visitor. Considering the inconvenience and keeping up with global trends , namely to provide all the functionality and information in one place rather than presentational model that Allbghotels.com have used for years, made us to transform the site from online hotels catalog in working reservation system that allows the visitor to explore information , compares offers and book rooms, holidays and tours in one place. From 1 October 2013 we released the new version of Allbghotels.com. We hope to improve your browsing experience and to deliver all holiday offers variety easier. Our goal is to add maximum number of hotels in Bulgaria to cover the whole range of hotel services
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