Become partner and add hotel to our online reservation system
Dear Colleagues,
If you are doing business in the tourism sector in Bulgaria and offer hotel or other travel services you can sell online through our booking system . Since we are not registered as a travel agency but only provide the territory where you could post the prices and terms and conditions of your existing services and this would only cost you only a flat annual fee . Participation in is not tied to sales which allows you to offer the best possible rates and conditions to the visitor. Charge is formed on an annual basis and depends on the hotel Stars rating. Registration procedure as partner is short and consists in building a company profile of your hotel and then we will provide you with access to the administration of the hotel rates. The system supports an unlimited number of seasons and different prices for the room in a season . Also, you can easily define prices just as Weekend / Weekend rates for the entire year or season. If prices are competitive type we guarantee you top position in search results. Of course we can offer other forms of participation or presentation online in order to maximize the number of bookings. If you are interested to join our reservation system and become our partner please contact us using this form
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