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1 hotels in Samokov

The hotel has 12 rooms
Room type
  • suite
  • Triple room
You need to register or login to make reservations
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Terms And Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Use

I. Parties
This Agreement regulate the relationship between the supplier of online services available on the Internet at www.allbghotels.com, called for short " booking system " , namely:
Global Commerce End Distribution Ltd with Bulstat: 200250810 office in Sofia , Dragan Tsankov Blvd 31b , represented by Marian Marinov on the one hand , the visitor user of online services referred below User and advertisers who post their offers online referred below Partner for the following:
Subject of this Agreement are the provision and use of online services in the Internet at : www.allbghotels.com subject to the following Terms of Service and policies for the use of content
1. By reading and accepting this Agreement, the User agrees to use the online application " booking system " and additional services provided by the supplier and its partners in the terms and conditions described in this Agreement.
2 . The use of web-based application " booking system " is voluntary. SUPPLIER is not responsible for technical weaknesses and / or deficiencies , but is committed to their Removal as soon as possible after finding them .
3 . User agrees to use his services in the form and functionality which they are designed and implemented .
4 . USER understands and agrees that the supplier is entitled to use the all entered information , including names , telephone number and e-mail address , photos , shared facts and other information for his own marketing and statistical purposes , including to make them available , in part or in whole for other visitors of www.allbghotels.com.
5 . USER agrees to receive promotional messages and updates from the supplier and its partners.
6 . The user may stop using the online services at any time.
7 . SUPPLIER provides the technical capability to its partners to publish their deals and offers for holidays in online application " booking system " . The maintaining current and reliable information is assumed by the partner posted the relevant information. Upon receiving the signal from consumers for outdated information PROVIDER reserves the right to verify and if necessary to remove part  or the whole outdated information .
8 . User agrees to use the online application " booking system " following the specific terms of each hotel or holiday offer .
1 Any reproduction / recording materials (text and / or images and / or other ) and / or record them to your hard drive, portable drives (USB) and / or CD, DVD discs and other recording devices without our express consent is illegal.
2 The publication of these materials ( text and / or images and / or other ), information about products is possible after written consent from us and posting a link to allbghotels.com.

1. Online Application " booking system " provides the technical capability to the user to book online travel deals and holiday offers posted by the Partner.
2 . Partner is obliged to publish a clear and precise conditions for booking online.  All conditions must be in accordance with the established legal framework governing relations between the retailer - consumer in the area of tourist services.
3 . Upon receipt of booking through an online application " booking system " Partner is required to inform the consumer within 48 hours of availability of the requested service and to confirm or deny it .
4 . User must comply with the specific terms and conditions for cancellation

1. In order to ensure the security and contents of allbghotels.com during your visit SUPPLIER retain information about your IP address. Upon completion of your session ( exit allbghotels.com) SUPPLIER delete the information collected.
2 . Use of the online services provided on allbghotels.com require a registration . During registration process SUPPLIER collect information about USER name, surname, city, phone and e-mail address.
3 . All personal information will be used only for Supplier's marketing and statistical purposes and will not be sold and / or distribute to third parties.
4 . Supplier is registered as personal data operator under the Law of protection of personal data.

Provider reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms of use and services provided on the Internet at : WWW.ALLBGHOTELS.COM
Our partners

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